14 hodnocení
  • 3 roky zkušeností s hlídáním
  • 29 let
  • Holešovice
  • Kontaktovalo ji už 165 rodičů
  • Rezervována opakovaně
  • Aktivní před asi 8 hodinami
  • Odpovídá do: 5 hodin
  •  Amalia Errazuriz de Ovalle
  •  Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Social Sciences, Anthropology
  • Kurz první pomoci
  •  preferuje hlídání: 20 - 40 hodin týdně
  •  Mám vlastní prostory
  •  Hlídám v domě rodiny
  •  Je ochotna hlídat 3 děti
  •   Oslavy
  •   Dovolená
  •   Přes noc
  •   Skupinky dětí
Absolvovala kurz první pomoci, který doložila certifikátem.

Augusta V.

500 Kč/h

  • (14)
  • 29 let
  • 3 roky zkušeností s hlídáním
  • covid-19 vakcína

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Marisa T.19/07/2024Hlídání dětí - rodič na portále

Augusta was *wonderful* with my English-speaking three year old. She took her on outings (so many!), read to her (endlessly!), and kept her well fed and well slept. They had so much fun together. I visited Prague for a work event and needed five 8-hour days of care in a row... so I was nervous how my kid would feel about it. But my kid was immediately comfortable with her, and it turned out great. Augusta also made *me* feel more comfortable by planning outings ahead (and checking them with me), making health and safety her clear first priority, and by sending lots of text and photo updates throughout the day. During our trip, we were staying with another family with small children. Though it was arguably more work for her, Augusta played with the other kids too, particularly when they were interested in spending time with my own kid. She was also very flexible about last-minute changes in timing, and even on staying late one night. My kid and I are going to miss her. If we're ever in Prague again, I'll definitely be asking for her help!

Gabriela O.21/07/2024Hlídání dětí - rodič na portále

Augusta was the first person apart of me and my partner who got to spend alone time with our almost one year old daughter. She was calm, patient, and very receptive to our needs and expectations.
Our baby girl smiles ear to ear when she sees Augusta and that's the best and most valuable feedback!

Jakub K.20/05/2024Hlídání dětí - rodič na portále

Augusta has been great with our son. She has positive attitude, knows how to engage with children and is very caring. Highly recommended.

Alice D.20/02/2024Hlídání dětí - rodič mimo portál

Augusta has been watching our 1,5 year old son for the past 6 months and she's been wonderful! She is very patient, kind, and cheerful and he's been relaxed with her from day one. She is also flexible and happy to work around our schedule which is great! Thank you so much for everything!

Lucie C.02/01/2024Hlídání dětí - rodič na portále

Augusta hlídá pravidelně naší 8m dceru. Je velmi spolehlivá a milá. Dcerku dokázala hned při první návštěvě sama uspat. Vřele doporučuji.

Molly E.13/12/2023Hlídání dětí - rodič na portále

Victoria was wonderful with my two boys. She has a relaxed demeanor and handles any upsets well. My youngest had a hard time with separation anxiety at first and she was very calm and helpful with him. She also has very good communication and is very punctual. Would highly recommend!

Kateřina Š.09/11/2023Hlídání dětí - rodič na portále

Augusta je moc milá a velice spolehlivá. Je s ní skvělá domluva a vždy se nám snaží vyjít vstříc. Pravidelně hlídá našeho skoro 2 letého syna a ten jí má moc rád. Skvělá angličtina je pro nás výhodou.

Ana M.06/10/2023Opatrování mazlíčků

Augusta took great care of my dog, Bufi!! He immediately felt comfortable with her and also got along very well with Augusta's dog. Highly recommend!!

Binny S.04/10/2023Hlídání dětí - rodič na portále

Augosta has been amazing and a pleasure to have babysitting our kids. We were so pleased with her easy going personality, her punctuality and her understanding to the kids so well. She truly is exceptional in every way.

Martin K.04/10/2023Opatrování mazlíčků

Augusta je spolehlivá a je s ní výborná domluva. Chodila se k nám týden starat o kocoury, všechno proběhlo v pořádku a pravidelně posílala fotky nebo videa. Kocouři si nestěžovali...😉

Jitka b.10/08/2023Hlídání dětí - rodič na portále

Spolehliva a komunikativni slecna. Hlida syna 2 roky

Martin K.04/08/2023Opatrování mazlíčků

Rychlá komunikace a hravě zvládla i 40 kg važícího psa s lehkou separační úzkostí. Augusta má dobrou energii a tak se i můj pes díky tomu dokázal uklidnit.

Martina C.25/07/2023Hlídání dětí - rodič na portále

Augusta nám hlídá 14m syna (hlídá ho od roka). Chodí k nám pravidelně. Augusta je moc milá a fajn. Má klidnou povahu a dá se na ní spolehnout. Navíc má i moc hezkou angličtinu. Dokáže si poradit, když dítě pláče a je empatická.

Jan P.09/07/2023Opatrování mazlíčků

Moje první zkušenost s hlídáním kočky a Augustu mohu jen doporučit. Dostával jsem pravidelně na WhatsApp fotky, o kočku bylo dobře postaráno. Já i kočka hodnotíme jen pozitivně!

O mně

Hello! Right now I’m available full time :)! Welcome to my profile! My name is Augusta Victoria, I am a 28 years old anthropologist. I have a wide experience in babysitting as I’ve been babysitting here in Prague for 9 months (7 months to 9 year old kids), I babysitted in Sweden when I lived there and I come from a large family with a lot of younger cousins, I also have a nephew and a niece, whom I love very much. I’m not uploading a photo with them as I want to respect their privacy :). I also babysitted at university. If you want your kids to train a specific language I could help them too, as I speak fluent english and native spanish.



Nemá aktuální kalendář

Zkušenosti s hlídáním


2 roky


2 roky


2 roky

dětský školní věk

2 roky


2 roky

Zkušenost se speciálními požadavky

I have experience with kids who have a tendency to get anxious


Kreslení, malování, Tanec/pohybová aktivita a Sport

I have a pet so if they like pets we could all have lots of fun. I used to dance ballet as a hobbie.


Angličtina a Španělština

C1 english level, I work as a translator in conferences of my field of work (anthropology), I can also read academic papers, communicate efficiently and teach it. Native spanish level.


Spanish and english language. Anthropology.


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