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Verification and insurance

We have Verification Centers, 10 890 reviews and unique babysitting insurance.

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10 155+ five-star reviews from parents



7 years experience

Hana was wonderful! She was very easy to work with, and my 2 1/2 year old son loved her--- he asked every evening if Hana was coming to play with him

— Alison


20 years experience

Petra has been taking care of my son since he turned 7 months. I leave him with her with a great feeling that he is well taken care of and also enjoys

— Barbara


12 years experience

Bibiana did a great job with our 5 and 2 year old girls. She was energetic and positive and kept them engaged. Thank you!

— Misa


3 years experience

Jak to Sára zvládla s našema holčičkama (5 a 2roky) na poprvé a přes noc, klobouček. Užili jsme si krásný a klidný večer protože jsme byli o všem info

— Martina


25 years experience

Šárka, která si říká Ella, hlídá mou 2letou dceru již rok. Ella je velmi svědomitá, inteligentní a stala se spíše členem naší rodiny než hlídačkou. Na

— Šárka


3 years experience

Ester hlídala moji 2 letou dcerku, vyzvedla ji ze školky a perfektně se o ni postarala. Malá i já jsme byly nadšene,doporučuji :-)

— Sabina


25 years experience

Paní Šárka absolvovala v rámci Kvalifikačního kurzu pro pracovníky v sociálních službách se zaměřením na péči o děti praxi. Absolvovala náslech ve dvo

— Denisa


12 years experience

Hodnocení hlídačky Anny R. - souvislá pedagogická praxe ve 4. ročníku 13. 1. - 14. 2. 2014: Studentka po dobu jednoho měsíce prokázala schopnost p

— Sára


25 years experience

„Tetu“ Renatu doporučuji. Pokud hledáte paní, která má zájem a starost o Vaše dítě, která se mu věnuje po všech stránkách, řekne vám, jak hlídání prob

— Alena


2 years experience

Na profil Esterky jsem narazila ve chvíli, kdy jsem narychlo hledala záskok za stávající hlídačku na poslední dny školního roku. Nejprve jsem měla oba

— Adéla


20 years experience

Ahojky všichni, moc ráda bych doporučila mou sestru, jasně asi si říkáte.. Je jasný, že jí ségra pochválí jen aby dostala, co nejvíc nabídek. :) Al

— Anna


5 years experience

Výjimečná chůva, která obohatila naši rodinu Naše rodina měla to štěstí, že se o naše tři děti (ve věku 8 let, 5 let a 2 roky) starala Klára. Hlavní

— benes


19 years

-------------------------- Skvělá Hlídačka Terezka -------------------------- Terezko, skvělá práce. :) Terezka dneska ( 25.12.2023) byla pohlídat

— MIchael


9 years experience

Paní Tetyana hlídala našeho syna Benjamína od šesti měsíců věku až do jeho čtyř let. Během té doby se prokázala jako velmi spolehlivá, dochvilná a cit

— Mariana


25 years experience

Dania has been helping us at home for the past month already and she has been wonderful. As I was going back to work, we were looking for a nanny for

— Emmanuelle


16 years experience

Jana looked after my 4.5-year-old girl and 1-year old boy whilst I had a business trip to Prague for one week. To be honest I was really nervous handi

— Hermione


carlo dugo

great experience! professional people, i would reccomend!

Eva Kariofili

I was looking for a cleaning service through different platforms and was very disappointed either with the set up or the job done. Through I found very fast a reliable person to clean regularly my flat. Advertising was very easy and replies came in fast. i recommend the page to anyone looking for cleaners, babysitters etc as it's easy and fast and the registration fee is not so high.

Every babysitting booked on Hlídač is insured up to 1 000 000 Kč.

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Babysitting whenever you need

Find a reliable babysitter. Whether you need a few hours a week to work or just to visit offices.

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Also look at sitter jobs, once approved you will be allowed to offer families babysitting! Parents will also be able to contact you directly.

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Babysitting. Whenever you need.

At Hlídač you can find a babysitter or a cleaning help for long-term or short-term help. Hundreds of sitters are already registered in larger cities. You can simply start your search with babysitting Praha or babysitting Brno or enter the name of your town in the search box above.

The most important thing parents are interested in before the babysitting itself is their children’s safety.

Therefore, Hlídač have their own Verification Centres in Prague, Brno and Bratislava, three levels of online verification and above all, ratings from other parents. Check also 9 tips regarding your first babysitting experience.

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