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Verification and insurance

We have Verification Centers, 10 246 reviews and unique pet insurance.

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They recently visited the verification center

Every booked pet-care on Hlídač is insured

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What people are saying about pet-sitters



33 years

Slečna Lenka je velice příjemná, empatická a o naše štěně Amálku se výborně postarala. Je spolehlivá, super komunikace. Za nás jen chvála, doporuču...

— Pavla


57 years

S paní Ellou jsem byla moc spokojená. I když to bylo její první hlídání mazlíčků, chopila se jej jako profesionál. Hlídala napoprvé dokonce 2 feneč...

— Dana


20 years

Slečna Markétka je naprosto dokonalou hlídačkou, kterou jsme si mohli přát. Poprvé jsem vzal rodinu na dovolenou k moři a tak jsme museli někoho se...

— Vít


29 years

Paní Míša, to asi s naším rozmazleným pejskem neměla lehké.Vše s ním zvládla, i jeho dožadování spaní v posteli.Každý den mě informovala, jak se pe...

— Hedvika

You dog or cat will no longer be alone

Are you going away for the weekend and need someone to take care of your pet? Are you at work for a long time and don't manage to take the dog for a walk?

Find pet sitter who lives near you.

The sitters for dogs and cats

At Hlídač you will find a care-giver for your dogs or other pets. Whether you are looking for care during your holiday (not every dog is able to manage dog hotel or dog walking when you have to stay at work for a long time.

There are already pet sitters in every larger city. You can simply start your search with pet care Praha or pet care Brno or enter the name of your town in the search box above.

An important part people care about before dog or other pet care is safety.

Therefore, Hlídač have their own Verification Centres in Prague, Brno and Bratislava, three levels of online verification and above all, ratings from other users. And for your complete calm, every booked babysitting or dog walking is insured.

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