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We provide Verification Centres, reviews from 10 513 users and online verification.

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Home senior care

Don't you manage to visit your grandma and drandpa? Find a sitter who will help the seniors in your family. The care-givers can keep the seniors company, take care of the normal running of the household, accompany them to the doctor and the more experienced also work as care-givers.

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What people are saying about care givers



33 years

Milá Paulinko, dovolte nám, abychom Vám z celého srdce poděkovali za Vaši neuvěřitelnou péči, kterou jste poskytovala našemu tatínkovi. Od prvotního š

— Lenka


50 years

Libuše se už několik měsíců stará o mou mámu. Od chvíle, kdy jsme se potkali, jsem věděla, že Libuše je úžasná. Na první setkání a od té doby je organ

— Veronica


50 years

Všem budoucím zájemcům mohu doporučit paní Danu. Postarala se o mou babičku na sklonku života při víkendových pobytech doma. Ve věku 101 let potřebo

— Marcel


60 years

Paní Xenii nám seslalo samo nebe. Postarala se nám skvěle o imobilní babičku, které je 84 let . Babička je těžká diabetička, od června 2022 u ní nasta

— Zdeněk

They recently visited the verification center

The sitter and care-giver to help seniors

At Hlídač you will find a sitter for home senior care. Both for regular help with housework and senior care including personal contact.

You can simply start your search with senior care Praha or senior care Brno or enter the name of your town in the search box above.

Are you looking for a care-giver? At Hlídač you will find sitters helping their grandparents, as well as experienced care-givers whose main job is senior care.

Hlídač have their own Verification Centres in Prague, Brno and Bratislava, three levels of online verification and mainly other users' verification.

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