Don't you know which membership to choose? Try monthly. Provides unlimited contacts and was already tried by 48 974 people. With each membership We guarantee that you will find caregiver.
- Contact only 5 caregivers
- Without insurance
- Membership active immediately after payment
- Last minute search
- You can cancel the membership anytime
- Contact unlimited caregivers
- Bookings with insurance
- Membership active immediately after payment
- Last minute search
- You can cancel the membership anytime
- Contact unlimited caregivers
- Bookings with insurance
- Membership active immediately after payment
- Last minute search
- You can cancel the membership anytime
Frequently asked questions
Yes. You can do it here in the membership section anytime after the payment, or contact support and we will do it for you.
Yes, if you buy it with a card. Bank transfer may take a few days to activate. We recommend you use a card payment to, it is always fast.
We guarantee that you will find a caregiver, more about it in section Satisfaction guarantee
You pay for the work directly to the care-giver as you agree.
No, the care-giver gets 100% reward, we do not raise the amount.
Children are insured with a confirmed booking insured up to 1 000 000 Kč for injury, household insured for things that may happen during cleaning insurance covers also pets, if something happened during pet-walking
You can use the credits to pay online at the sitters allowing that. You can recognize them by the green booking icon. Credits are valid according to the length of membership, in case of repeated payment they are added up.