- 47 years
- Brno-Starý Lískovec
- 20 users have already contacted her
- Activity 3 days ago
- Response time: 11 hours
- Hotelová
- UTB Zlín, sociální pedagogika
- First Aid Certificate
- Making a company, talking, playing games, etc.
- Food preparation
- Accompanying to the doctor

Markéta K.
250 Kč/hour
- 47 years

Personal interview
more about Verification centers and verification processClean criminal record, ID archived
Verified education and certificates
Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně obor Sociální pedagogika - bakalář, osvědčení - Montessori pedagogika pro MŠ
With membership you will get access to the full detail of the verification
About me
I will be happy to help your grandmother or grandfather with shopping, accompanying to the doctor, minor cleaning, social contact, conversation, cooking. Experience from family, elderly mother
Čeština, English, and Slovak
Angličtina - základní
Montessori pedagogika
Reviews Hlídačky.cz
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