- 19 years
- Liberec
- 7 users have already contacted her
- Activity about 11 hours ago
- Střední pedagogická škola, Prachatice
- cleaning windows

Aneta Ž.
200 Kč/hour
- 19 years

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About me
I like to clean at home, but I haven't had much of a chance to clean anywhere, but I don't mind almost anything. I vacuum, mop, dust, wash windows, but I can't iron. I will clean the kitchen, bathroom, toilet. Apartment and house. I like to clean at home, but I haven't had much of a chance to clean anywhere, but I don't mind almost anything. I vacuum, mop, dust, wash windows, but I can't iron. I will clean the kitchen, bathroom, toilet. Apartment and house.
Čeština and English
mám maturitu z angličtiny (B2), a když potřebuji tak se bez problému domluvím a rozumím
osvědčení o seznámení s pedagogikou Franze Ketta