 Pet Sit Photos
  • 20 years
  • Brno-střed
  • She sends photos from pet sitting.
  • Activity 2 months ago
  •  Gymnázium Aloise Jiráska, Litomyšl
  •  Overnight stay at dogs (cats...) home
  •  Visit & play
  •  Dog walking
  •  Small (up to 5kg)
  •  Medium (up to 25kg)
  •  Big (up to 40kg)
  •  Junior
  •  Adult
  •  Senior
  •  I have no dog
  •  I have no children 0-5
  •  I have no children 6-12

Amélie K.

200 Kč/hour


  • 20 years
  • Covid-19 vaccine

Clean criminal record, ID archived

Verified education and certificates

Veterinární univerzita Brno - student

you will get access to the full detail of the verification


About me

Dearest pet owners, hi!
I’m a student of the Veterinary univerzity in Brno an am interested in animal husbandry since childhood, especially I love dogs and cats. Me myself take care of my cat since early childhood and with my family, we have a big dog. I have experience in taking care of small birds, for example canary.
If you leave your beloved pet with me, you can be sure it is in great hands! With your dog, we can take a walk to the park and play there, for example (food and clean water are obvious). With a cat, I would visit her at your home, as it’s a place, where she feels safe. Including food and water always are cuddles and plays sure thing! To the small animals like hamsters or birds, I can offer company, food and water and clean space too.
Due to personal reasons I can not take care of your animals (dogs and cats) at my place. I would only visit them at your place.

What I would like to know about the of the dog/pet

While taking care of cats, I would need to know its food preferences (allergies, diet, …) and all of its habits (what she can or can’t do, …). I also would like to know her personality / what behaviour I can expect from the cat (if she’s shy, friendly, aggressive -how does she act around strangers).
When taking care of dog, I would need to know its food preferences (allergies, diet, …) and all of its habits too. For making myself a personal picture of the dog, I would like to know its race and age (how much energy I can expect), his training and behaviour (if he got a basic training, how does he react around strangers, other dogs / animals, if he’s afraid of the public transportation (for possible trips), etc.)
Other/specific informations (like amount of food) we’ll discuss :).


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Where care:

Primary city: Jihomoravský » Brno-střed » Brno-střed