  • 22 years
  • Praha 6
  • 7 users have already contacted her
  • Activity about 1 month ago
  • Response time: 11 hours
  •  Waldorfská základní a střední škola, p.o.
  •  Univerzita Karlova
  • First Aid Certificate
  • Years of experience: 2
  • Kindergarden
  • Primary school
  • Admission primary school
  • Individual general preparation
  • At Student's Location
  • Online video tutoring

Eliška A.

400 Kč/hour

  • 22 years

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About me

My name is Eliška and I have been studying Hispanic studies (Spanish language and literature) for one year at Charles University. Next year I will study psychology at university, because I enjoy working with people and I like to help them.
I have many years of experience working with children. I have been close to children since childhood.
My experience with tutoring children:

I have experience in conducting individual English lessons with children aged 9-13. I also tutored English language and mathematics children aged 9 and 10 as a part of being an au-pair in Spain. As an au-pair I primarily spoke with the children in English, only when they didn't understand me we spoke in Spanish. When tutoring, I am patient and easily adapt to the pace of the student, taking into account the required progress in the subject.

I'm aware that my tutor experience is mainly in teaching English but I come from a bilingual family, so I wouldn't have any problem to explain other subjects in English.


Mám volné středy, pátky a víkendy, ostatní dny v týdnu můžu večer.

Current calendar is not availaible

Tutoring subjects

Čeština   Čeština
English   English
Deutsch   Deutsch
Spanish   Spanish


Čeština, English, Deutsch, and Spanish

Cizí jazyky se obecně ráda učím. Angličtinu mám na úrovni C1 (certifikát CAE), němčinu a španělštinu poté na úrovni B1. Rok jsem učila angličtinu v jazykové škola Swallow School of English (v Liberci). Pokud by byl zájem o hlídání dětí i s doučováním angličtiny, tak jsem tomu určitě nakloněna.


Mám certifikát CAE (úroveň angličtiny C1), dále dokument k dokončené praxi s dětmi s poruchami autistického spektra z rané péče, certifikát z přípravného kurzu pro studium psychologie

Where babysit

Primary city: Praha » Praha 6 » Praha 6