6 reviews
  • 4 years experience
  • 32 years
  • Praha 3
  • She has already been contacted by 140 parents
  • Booked repeatedly
  • Activity about 14 hours ago
  • Response time: 7 hours
  •  SŠ pro knihkupce a nakladatelské pracovníky
  •  VOŠ Václava Hollara, obor kresba a ilustrace v médiích
  • First Aid Certificate
  •  prefers sitting: 20 - 40 hours/week
  •  I babysit at parents' place
  •  she can babysit 4 kids
She attended the first aid course with certificate.

Šárka C.

350 Kč/hour

  • (6)
  • 32 years
  • 4 years experience
  • Covid-19 vaccine

Clean criminal record, ID archived

Verified education and certificates

Vyšší odborná škola, obor Kresba a ilustrace v médiích. Chůva pro děti do zahájení povinné školní docházky.

Verified e-mail and phone number

Verified address

Verified identity

Criminal Record

documented online · at the time of inspection not older than 3 months

you will get access to the full detail of the verification



Petra V.09/08/2023Babysitting - via this platform

Moc se mi líbila energie Šárky k mým dvoum dětem, které hlídala (4,5 a 2,5 roku), a snad poprvé jsem se setkala s tak profesionálním přístupem už při první návštěvě. Líbilo se mi, jak Šárka s dětmi tvořila a jaký program jim vymýšlela. Syn se na tvoření vždy velmi těšil. Mladší dítko o hlídání (obecně) moc nestálo, nicméně Šárka si uměla poradit a já měla vždy bezpečný pocit, že je o děti dobře postaráno. Určitě ji jako hlídačku moc doporučuji :) děkuji, Petra

Ludek S.21/06/2023Babysitting - via this platform

spolehliva pani, vse probehlo v poradku.

Victor B.10/01/2023Babysitting - outside this platform

Šárka is a nanny for our daughter for more than a year. She started when our kid was 11 months old.

Šárka proved to be a kind, caring and patient person. She involves our kid in different types of activities, often brings her own books to read with our kid, sings songs, helps to invent new games. She also takes our kid to playgrounds, to local zoo, to museums and so on.

Šárka is responsible for feeding the kid, but we do prepare meals by ourselves (it was our decision from the beginning that we won’t ask Šárka to cook). When our daughter had some health issues we asked Šárka to maintain food log - to write down everything that’s being eaten with exact portions. It was very helpful.

Šárka is also responsible for putting our daughter to sleep.

We know we can trust her with our daughter. We never saw Šárka to loose temper or be rude or do anything that could be a danger to our daughter.

Last but not least, Šárka is an easy going person to have a small talk with and exchange a couple of jokes, which is we believe to be an important part of our time together. We don’t speak Czech and Šárka’s great English really helps with communication.

Joanna W.11/12/2021Babysitting - via this platform

It is with much pleasure that I'm able to recommend Šárka as a babysitter. She has taken care of our son (since he was 12 months old) every weekday for 8 hours for 7 months, and she was a joy to work with. (We also have a 3-year-old daughter who goes to preschool, but she would spend some days or time after school with Šárka occasionally)
Šárka would consistently arrive at our home on time, ready to immediately engage with our kids with a smile on her face. She is kind, compassionate and dedicated. My son enjoyed his time with his nanny and was always looking forward to going outside with her (she spent time with him on the playground everyday) or playing inside with his crayons, books or blocks.
For us parents, Šárka was a good companion when we wanted to chat during our coffee break (we often work from home; Šárka is fluent in English) but was also almost invisible when we were busy working (taking our son outside or playing with him in the kids’ room). She would send us pictures of our happy son from the playground and would give us a regular update about his nap time / amount of food etc, so I was always super confident that our son was in good hands and was having fun.
She would always keep herself busy during our son’s nap time, preparing meals for our son, cleaning after kids, or sorting laundry.
In addition to her natural talent when it comes to childcare, Šárka has completed a babysitting course including Child First Aid and, what was important to us, she is Czech so she could react quickly in case any medical support would be needed.
I highly recommend Šárka’s services, and truly believe you'd be missing out by not choosing her as your regular babysitter.

Věra K.06/04/2021Babysitting - via this platform

Šárka je moje sousedka, chodívaly jsme s našimi stejně starými dětmi (můj syn 4 roky v květnu 2021, její dcerka 4 roky v červnu 2021) na hřiště. Když jsem viděla, jak je vůči dětem proaktivní, vymýšlí zábavu, chystá svačinky pro všechny, dokáže mezi nimi nastavit pravidla, smířit drobné konflikty, vtáhnout je rovnocenně do hry tak, že jsou oba velmi v pohodě a ještě si plnohodnotně užijí čas s vrtevníkem, byla jsem nadšená a záhy ji požádala o hlídání u nás doma. To, že přichází na hlídání s dcerkou, považuju za příjemný benefit. Její dcerka je milá vyrovnaná osůbka a Šárka rozhodně hlídání nepojímá tak, že "děti si pohrají spolu" a ona zatím lenoší, naopak společný čas animuje a vede. Zprvu jsem se takového modelu obávala, raději jsem volila hlídačky, které ještě neměly mateřskou zkušenost a nějaký "výchovný názor", ale Šárka našla skvělý balanc mezi tím, že respektovala má rodičovská přání a zároveň vytvořila prostředí, kde se i ona s dcerkou cítily dobře. Prostě žádná křeč, kupa programu a druhá mamka může pracovat. V době bez školek ideál. (Pracuji mimo domov, ale i když jsem byla doma, bylo to fajn a mohla jsem se přestat starat). Šárka ví, co potřebuje dítko, maminka i chůvička.

Nadia P.26/03/2021Babysitting - via this platform

Sarka has been babysitting my 2 years and half daughter for 1 week, 8 hours a day. We established a routine immediately and she was able to keep it and put her to bed every day. She has been gentle and kind, coming daily with ideas, new games and painting to entertain and engage my daughter. Very satisfied and I can only recommend her. Nadia

About me

My name is Šárka, I am a certificated nanny since 2021. I have experience with babysitting in both Czech and foreign families and I am a mom myself (my daughter Nina was born in 2017). In my relationship with children I always aim for trust-building and kind approach with boundaries. With chidren I like to go outside, read, paint, sing, do creative projects and play board games.
In 2012 I graduated from high school specialized in booksell and book publishing and for the next 4 years I worked in a bookshop. In 2016 I started my studies in drawing and ilustration at the Václav Hollar Art School, which I succesfully finished in 2019.
In 2021, I completed an accredited course for babysitters, which includes, among other things, providing first aid to children.
In 2023, I finished the professional educational program for the development of fine motor skills in children under 6 years of age.

Pricelist valid since 1st January 2024:

minimum number of hours: 3
3 - 15 hours per week: 350 CZK/hour
16 hours per week and more: 300 CZK/hour
40 hours per week (AKA a full time job) 270 CZK/hour (the price can be higher, depends on the number of children and the amount of chores.)


Aktuálně zvládnu vmáčknout do programu nějaká večerní a víkendová hlídání

Current calendar is not availaible

General Experience


5 years


4 years


2 years


no experience


no experience

Skills and Hobbies

Drawing, painting


Čeština and English

angličtina, čeština



Where babysit

Primary city: Praha » Praha 3 » Praha 3