2 reviews
  • 40 years
  • Vinohrady
  • 105 users have already contacted her
  • Activity 2 days ago
  •  Vyšší odborná škola oděvního návrhářství
  • First Aid Certificate
  •  Making a company, talking, playing games, etc.
  •  Alzheimer's disease
  •  Parkinson's disease
  •  Diabetes
  •  Dementia
  •  Mobility problems
  •  Help with hygiene
  •  Food preparation
  •  Accompanying to the doctor
  •  Physiotherapy, art therapy
  • Attented special First-aid course focused on children from OS Czech Red Cross Prague 1

Libuše V.

430 Kč/hour

  • (2)
  • 40 years

She passed document verification (ID or DL)

check against duplicate registrations · validation date verification

Verified identity

Criminal Record

documented online · at the time of inspection not older than 3 months

you will get access to the full detail of the verification


Hana K.01/11/2024Family member

Paní Libuška je velmi milá a vstřícná se zkušeností s péčí o seniory s různým typem demence. Pomohla nám s péčí o maminku, která trpí stařeckou demencí, během maminčiny hospitalizace (nemocnice si vyžádala stálý dohled). Bez pomoci paní Libušky bychom to zvládali jen velmi těžko.

Libuse Z.10/08/2022Senior care

Paní Libuši můžu všem doporučit.
Začala nám pomáhat s péčí o mé rodiče, kteří mají problémy s pamětí.
Rodiče jsou v její společnosti rádi, hlavně táta oceňuje dalšího posluchače svých historek 😀

About me

My name is Libuše. I have many years of experience in caring for the elderly since I was young. I care for the elderly both in institutional care and in the home environment. I have experience with Parkinson's disease, dementia, psychological disorders, coordination disorders, spatial and temporal disorientation, physical disabilities. I take care of paraplegics, clients with movement disorders even in bed. I have a friendly, yet professional approach and diligence. I will take care of errands, shopping, accompanying to the doctor, bedside care, help with personal hygiene, administration of medicines, pleasant company, entertainment, use of free time.
I also provide palliative care and accompaniment to the dying and support to families.
I have a first aid course, I can also provide treatment after surgery according to the doctor's instructions. I am not a substitute for medical care.
The minimum duration of one visit is 3 hours, I also care 24 hours a day, for long-term care we can agree on the price.


Pokusím se přizpůsobit při dlouhodobém plánování

Current calendar is not availaible


Čeština, English, Deutsch, French, and Russian


Where babysit

Primary city: Praha » Praha 2 » Vinohrady

Where am I available too?: Jesenice, Středočeský kraj

Pohybuji se po celé Praze, v případě potřeby po domluvě i Středočeský kraj.