Home cleaning Praha 9
Found 116 cleaners
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Markéta Š.
Markéta Š.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Dear all, I'm an experienced housekeeper. I pride myself on the quality and level of my services, I am very precise and perfectionist. The quality and satisfaction of the clie...

Andrea V.
Andrea V.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
- Bank iD Verification
Úklidu se věnuji prakticky denně hlavně ve své práci. Hodně si zakládám na čistotě a pořádku. Nemám problém vysát, utřít prach, vytřít podlahy. Úklid kuchyně a koupelny je také ...

Zhaklin U.
Zhaklin U.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I love cleanliness and tidying up. I will wipe the saws, I will clean the floor, I will wash the windows, I will iron things, I will put things in and everything that you will n...

Jessica P.
Jessica P.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
My name is Jessica, I am a responsible, organised person with experience in cleaning services for homes and offices. I am committed to ensuring clean, tidy, and pleasant spaces....

Jsem zdravá, necestovala jsem do infikovaných zemí ani jsem se s nikým z této oblasti nesetkala. Při mé práci používám roušku a rukavice.
Im healthy, wasn ´t in contact with infected persons also was not in infected countires. I wear a veil and gloves.